Monday 30 December 2013

A brand new start

The last hour or so I have been trying to come up with some or the other interesting name for this blog, but all the good and inspirational names have all been taken.  You can't imagine how many of these blogs had 1 entry - the starting blog post and then nothing more.  So maybe blogging wasn't quite as exciting for these people as they thought.  It doesn't help me though as their blog names are all taken. 

Anyway, I finally came up with this one - "Butterflies and Cherry Blossoms".  It wasn't really what I wanted, but it will have to do for now.  I guess for me I love spring and summertime.  There is something refreshing about it.  A signal of new life.  A time to dream and start living again after the cold winter.  A new day after a very long night. So I guess this is what I want for myself.  I want to start living again and focus on my dreams and try and make it happen. 

I'm not quite there yet.  The living part I mean.  The dreams and ideas are all there, crammed within the walls of my mind, but I need to find a way to make it happen.  This isn't easy, because trying and making it happen means taking a risk and taking a risk means I could fail, but keeping the ideas stuck inside my mind - well that's safe isn't it?  The reality though is that I cannot spend my life dreaming, I actually have to start living. 

I used to blog.  I used to love it and spent a long time doing it, and then I gave it up for a while for a number of reasons (that I'm not going to talk about in this particular blog entry), but now I will start again.

Mr P and I live in a smallish town with Mr Cat.  We have the most lovely view just behind our property.  Almost like living on a farm, except it is not our responsibility - the cows and the sheep.  I have 2 young girls that I have every second week.  The other week they are with their dad.  Mr P has two grown-up kids out making their own mark in their world.  I wouldn't say finding our feet in this relationship has been easy, but we are working on it.  Anyway more on all of us a little bit later. 

For now I will take some time setting up this blog and going out meeting other bloggers whose stories I could follow.  I love reading other blog entries :-).

Bye for now...


  1. I'm so glad you visited me ! I really like your Blog name - oh how I wish I'd chosen something else but my Blog was to be all about keeping hens for the first time !
    The hens are no longer with us but the Blog remains five years on. Wish I'd called it " Fifty degrees of separation "

    I get your point about starting to live again. I was going to be " fab at fifty " and at nearly 51 have spent the year really struggling to be fab !

    I shall follow you too.

    ( what was your old Blog called ? )

  2. Hi Dreamer Girl!
    I'm much the same but, on my own with a lovely little cat called Lucy.
    I should be 'Dreamer Woman' LOL! I'm very much in the frame of mind as yourself. But, with being on benefits, no savings and no other income, it's hard to make dreams come true except for in your mind!
    I wish you all the best in making your dreams reality!
    Sandie xxx

  3. I want to follow your blog, but, couldn't find a way to do it on your blog, Am I a techno phobe or what? LOL!
