Wednesday, 15 January 2014

A birthday celebration and a special meal

I cannot believe that we are already in the middle of January.  Can you believe it?  Back at work we are all still struggling with that "end-of-year-not-quite-very-productive" feeling.  We do have a public holiday coming up next week Monday so that is great :-). 

This weekend it will be me and my next photography assignment.  I've done my first one and got a great mark, so I'm very pleased, but it is a little daunting because from here on it will be actual photos and my tutor is a professional photographer.  I've finally taken the plunge and ordered my new computer as I'm getting 20% discount through work and my current laptop won't be all that good.  I'm really excited (and I don't like waiting, but will need to wait for delivery).

We had a lovely few days with Mr P's birthday celebrations.  I baked the cake and his daughter decorated it for him.  He really likes lollies :-)

I'll have to upload the photo of the cake later on as Blogger seems to be acting up (sigh).

Here are some flowers that Mr P's brother's partner brought us.

Mr P saw this one programme where the chef made a very yummy meal and he decided to try this out.  He is so proud and let me tell you it was really really yummy!  He even made the ice-cream all by himself :-)


  1. Lovely looking meal. Hope your new computer helps digitally with your photos. Always daunting to try something new ( sleepless nights thinking about it ! )
    Not long til my son's 18th birthday so a bit of fun for the end of this very dreary rain soaked January !

  2. Hi,
    Sorry, wasn't very clear what the valentine swap was about!
    If you visit madaboutbags.blogspot all will be revealed! (Although the swap participants have been paired up now.)

  3. pretty nice blog, following :)
